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With our developed helix shapes and the special arrangement of these, we are able to set new standards in driving through loose soils and granulates. Our innovative software algorithms are the fundament for efficient and effective tunnelling.

Autonomous Boring

Our adaptive drilling strategy allows us to drill autonomously through granular and loose soils while maintaining the orientation of the system.


The use of Li-Ion technology and efficient DC motors enable a high efficiency of the system and create the greatest possible economic and ecological benefit for our customers.


Various sensors enable us to calculate the current orientation of BOB. In case of deviations, BOB can react in order to reach its goal.


Acceleration & Gyroscope 

Acceleration and gyroscope sensors allow us to determine the orientation of the system. If there is a deviation from the planned boring direction, BOB reacts immediately. 

Maschine Learning & AI

Machine-learning algorithms allow us to adapt to different environments. Powerful embedded hardware creates the basis for our Boring rOBot.


BOB Side view
  • Diameter: 54,4 mm

  • Length: 831 mm

  • Weight: 6,5 kg

Operational Values

  • 2 x Faulhaber DC Motors with up to 8 Nm 

  • 2 x Stepper Motors with up to 1 Nm

    • Linear Cylinder: max. 5000 N​

    • Drilling Head: 3 x steering cylinders


  • 2 x Ansmann Li-Ion 14.4 V 3500 mAh

  • Additional cable connection to power source


  • 1 x Bosch Sensortec IMU with Machine Learning

  • 4 x Hall-Sensor for RPM, Position

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